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This function builds the most probable GPS coordinates of the plot corners from multiple GPS measurements.


  longlat = NULL,
  projCoord = NULL,
  maxDist = 15,
  drawPlot = FALSE,
  rmOutliers = TRUE



(optional) data frame with the coordinate in longitude latitude (eg. cbind(longitude, latitude)).


(optional) data frame with the projected coordinate in X Y


data frame with the relative coordinate in the same order than the longlat or projCoord


a vector of length 2 giving the range for plot relative X coordinates


a vector of length 2 giving the range for plot relative Y coordinates


a numeric giving the maximum distance above which GPS measurements should be considered as outliers (by default 15 m)


a logical if you want to display a graphical representation


a logical if you want to remove the outliers from coordinates calculation


If there are no outliers or rmOutliers = TRUE, a list with:

  • cornerCoords: a data.frame with the coordinates of the corners

  • correctedCoord: a data.frame with the adjusted coordinates given as input

  • polygon: a spatial polygon

  • outliers: index of coordinates lines considered as outliers, if any

  • codeUTM: the UTM code of the coordinates if the parameter longlat is set


GPS coordinates should be either given in longitude latitude (longlat) or in projected coordinates (projCoord)




projCoord <- data.frame(
  X = c(
    runif(5, min = 9, max = 11), runif(5, min = 8, max = 12),
    runif(5, min = 80, max = 120), runif(5, min = 90, max = 110)
  Y = c(
    runif(5, min = 9, max = 11), runif(5, min = 80, max = 120),
    runif(5, min = 8, max = 12), runif(5, min = 90, max = 110)
projCoord <- projCoord + 1000
coordRel <- data.frame(
  X = c(rep(0, 10), rep(100, 10)),
  Y = c(rep(c(rep(0, 5), rep(100, 5)), 2))

aa <- correctCoordGPS(
  projCoord = projCoord, coordRel = coordRel,
  rangeX = c(0, 100), rangeY = c(0, 100)
#> Warning: This function still work but will be removed (defunct) and replaced by checkCoordPlot in the next version. Please see VIGNETTENAME? vignette
#> Warning: 'correctCoordGPS()' has been replaced by `check_plot_coord()` function and will be removed in the next version.
#> Please see the vignette `Spatialized trees and forest stand metrics with BIOMASS`
#> Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
#> Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
bb <- correctCoordGPS(
  projCoord = projCoord, coordRel = coordRel,
  rangeX = c(0, 100), rangeY = c(0, 100), rmOutliers = TRUE
#> Warning: This function still work but will be removed (defunct) and replaced by checkCoordPlot in the next version. Please see VIGNETTENAME? vignette
#> Warning: 'correctCoordGPS()' has been replaced by `check_plot_coord()` function and will be removed in the next version.
#> Please see the vignette `Spatialized trees and forest stand metrics with BIOMASS`
#> Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
#> Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
#> Warning: calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot
# \donttest{
  projCoord = projCoord, coordRel = coordRel,
  rangeX = c(0, 100), rangeY = c(0, 100), drawPlot = TRUE
#> Warning: This function still work but will be removed (defunct) and replaced by checkCoordPlot in the next version. Please see VIGNETTENAME? vignette
#> Warning: 'correctCoordGPS()' has been replaced by `check_plot_coord()` function and will be removed in the next version.
#> Please see the vignette `Spatialized trees and forest stand metrics with BIOMASS`
#> Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
#> Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
#> $cornerCoords
#>          X        Y
#> 1 1004.220 1006.113
#> 2 1104.195 1008.373
#> 3 1101.935 1108.347
#> 4 1001.960 1106.087
#> $correctedCoord
#>           X        Y
#> 1  1004.220 1006.113
#> 2  1004.220 1006.113
#> 3  1004.220 1006.113
#> 4  1004.220 1006.113
#> 5  1004.220 1006.113
#> 6  1001.960 1106.087
#> 7  1001.960 1106.087
#> 8  1001.960 1106.087
#> 9  1001.960 1106.087
#> 10 1001.960 1106.087
#> 11 1104.195 1008.373
#> 12 1104.195 1008.373
#> 13 1104.195 1008.373
#> 14 1104.195 1008.373
#> 15 1104.195 1008.373
#> 16 1101.935 1108.347
#> 17 1101.935 1108.347
#> 18 1101.935 1108.347
#> 19 1101.935 1108.347
#> 20 1101.935 1108.347
#> $polygon
#> Geometry set for 1 feature 
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 1001.96 ymin: 1006.113 xmax: 1104.195 ymax: 1108.347
#> CRS:           NA
#> POLYGON ((1004.22 1006.113, 1104.195 1008.373, ...
#> $outliers
#> [1]  6  7  9 10 17
# }