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This function divides a plot (or several plots) into subplots in the relative coordinates system, and returns the coordinates of subplot corners.


  proj_coord = NULL,
  longlat = NULL,
  tree_data = NULL,
  tree_coords = NULL,
  corner_plot_ID = NULL,
  tree_plot_ID = NULL,
  grid_tol = 0.1,
  centred_grid = F



A data frame, data frame extension, containing the plot corner coordinates. Typically, the output $corner_coord of the check_plot_coord() function.


A character vector of length 2, specifying the column names (resp. x, y) of the corner relative coordinates.


(optional, if longlat is not provided) A character vector of length 2, specifying the column names (resp. x, y) of the corner projected coordinates.


(optional, if proj_coord is not provided) A character vector of length 2 specifying the column names of the corner geographic coordinates (long,lat).


A vector indicating the dimensions of grid cells (resp. X and Y dimensions). If only one value is given, grid cells will be considered as squares.


A data frame containing tree relative coordinates and other optional tree metrics (one row per tree).


A character vector of length 2, specifying the column names of the relative coordinates of the trees.


If dealing with multiple plots : a vector indicating plot IDs for corners.


If dealing with multiple plots : a vector indicating tree plot IDs.


A numeric between (0;1) corresponding to the percentage of the plot area allowed to be excluded from the plot division (when grid_size doesn't match exactly plot dimensions).


When grid_size doesn't match exactly plot dimensions, a logical indicating if the subplot grid should be centered on the plot.


If tree_data isn't provided, returns a data-frame containing as many rows as there are corners corresponding to the subplots, and the following columns :

  • corner_plot_ID: If dealing with multiple plots : the plot code

  • subplot_ID: The automatically generated subplot code, using the following rule : subplot_X_Y

  • x_rel and y_rel : the relative X-axis and Y-axis coordinates of subplots corners.

  • x_proj and y_proj : if proj_coord is provided, the projected X-axis and Y-axis coordinates of subplots corners

If tree_data is provided, returns a list containing :

  • the previous data-frame

  • the tree_data data-frame with the subplot_ID of each tree in the last column

If longlat is provided, returns a list containing :

  • the previous data-frame/list

  • UTM_code: a data.frame containing the UTM code of the corner GPS coordinates for each plot


If corner coordinates in the projected coordinate system are provided (proj_coord), projected coordinates of subplot corners are calculated by a bilinear interpolation in relation with relative coordinates of plot corners. Be aware that this bilinear interpolation only works if the plot in the relative coordinates system is rectangular (ie, has 4 right angles).


Arthur PERE, Arthur BAILLY


# One plot with repeated measurements of each corner
check_plot201 <- check_plot_coord(
  corner_data = NouraguesPlot201,
  proj_coord = c("Xutm","Yutm"), rel_coord = c("Xfield","Yfield"),
  trust_GPS_corners = TRUE, draw_plot = FALSE)
subplots_201 <- divide_plot(
  corner_data = check_plot201$corner_coord, 
  rel_coord = c("x_rel","y_rel"), proj_coord = c("x_proj","y_proj"),
  grid_size = 50)
#>     subplot_ID x_rel y_rel   x_proj   y_proj
#> 1  subplot_0_0     0     0 313005.7 451723.2
#> 2  subplot_0_0    50     0 312981.3 451676.7
#> 3  subplot_0_0    50    50 313028.4 451650.5
#> 4  subplot_0_0     0    50 313053.1 451694.5
#> 5  subplot_1_0    50     0 312981.3 451676.7
#> 6  subplot_1_0   100     0 312956.9 451630.2
#> 7  subplot_1_0   100    50 313003.6 451606.4
#> 8  subplot_1_0    50    50 313028.4 451650.5
#> 9  subplot_0_1     0    50 313053.1 451694.5
#> 10 subplot_0_1    50    50 313028.4 451650.5
#> 11 subplot_0_1    50   100 313075.4 451624.2
#> 12 subplot_0_1     0   100 313100.5 451665.9
#> 13 subplot_1_1    50    50 313028.4 451650.5
#> 14 subplot_1_1   100    50 313003.6 451606.4
#> 15 subplot_1_1   100   100 313050.2 451582.6
#> 16 subplot_1_1    50   100 313075.4 451624.2

# Assigning trees to subplots
plot201_trees <- NouraguesTrees[NouraguesTrees$Plot == 201,]
subplots_201 <- suppressWarnings(
    corner_data = check_plot201$corner_coord, 
    rel_coord = c("x_rel","y_rel"), proj_coord = c("x_proj","y_proj"),
    grid_size = 50,
    tree_data = plot201_trees, tree_coords = c("Xfield","Yfield")))
#>    subplot_ID x_rel y_rel   x_proj   y_proj
#> 1 subplot_0_0     0     0 313005.7 451723.2
#> 2 subplot_0_0    50     0 312981.3 451676.7
#> 3 subplot_0_0    50    50 313028.4 451650.5
#> 4 subplot_0_0     0    50 313053.1 451694.5
#> 5 subplot_1_0    50     0 312981.3 451676.7
#> 6 subplot_1_0   100     0 312956.9 451630.2
#>            Site Plot x_rel y_rel        Family               Genus     Species
#> 1 Petit_Plateau  201   0.0  31.5   Burseraceae             Protium surinamense
#> 2 Petit_Plateau  201   0.1  75.2 Anacardiaceae            Tapirira  guianensis
#> 3 Petit_Plateau  201   0.2  27.6 Lecythidaceae Indet.Lecythidaceae      Indet.
#> 4 Petit_Plateau  201  -4.0  67.5 Euphorbiaceae          Conceveiba  guyanensis
#> 5 Petit_Plateau  201   0.3  39.9   Burseraceae             Protium  altissimum
#> 6 Petit_Plateau  201  -3.5  41.5 Euphorbiaceae               Mabea    speciosa
#>      D  subplot_ID
#> 1 11.0 subplot_0_0
#> 2 74.4 subplot_0_1
#> 3 25.4 subplot_0_0
#> 4 10.0        <NA>
#> 5 18.9 subplot_0_0
#> 6 10.0        <NA>

# When grid dimensions don't fit perfectly plot dimensions
# \donttest{
    corner_data = check_plot201$corner_coord, 
    rel_coord = c("x_rel","y_rel"),
    grid_size = c(41,41),
    grid_tol = 0.4, centred_grid = TRUE)
#> Warning: 
#> The x-dimension of the plot is not a multiple of the x-dimension of the grid size
#> Warning: 
#> The y-dimension of the plot is not a multiple of the y-dimension of the grid size
#>     subplot_ID x_rel y_rel
#> 1  subplot_0_0     9     9
#> 2  subplot_0_0    50     9
#> 3  subplot_0_0    50    50
#> 4  subplot_0_0     9    50
#> 5  subplot_1_0    50     9
#> 6  subplot_1_0    91     9
#> 7  subplot_1_0    91    50
#> 8  subplot_1_0    50    50
#> 9  subplot_0_1     9    50
#> 10 subplot_0_1    50    50
#> 11 subplot_0_1    50    91
#> 12 subplot_0_1     9    91
#> 13 subplot_1_1    50    50
#> 14 subplot_1_1    91    50
#> 15 subplot_1_1    91    91
#> 16 subplot_1_1    50    91
# }

# Dealing with multiple plots
nouragues_subplots <- suppressWarnings(
    corner_data = NouraguesCoords,
    rel_coord = c("Xfield","Yfield"), proj_coord = c("Xutm","Yutm"),
    corner_plot_ID = "Plot",
    grid_size = 50,
    tree_data = NouraguesTrees, tree_coords =  c("Xfield","Yfield"),
    tree_plot_ID = "Plot"))
#>   corner_plot_ID subplot_ID x_rel y_rel   x_proj   y_proj
#> 1            201    201_0_0     0     0 313007.9 451717.2
#> 2            201    201_0_0    50     0 312984.0 451673.2
#> 3            201    201_0_0    50    50 313028.0 451649.4
#> 4            201    201_0_0     0    50 313051.8 451693.3
#> 5            201    201_1_0    50     0 312984.0 451673.2
#> 6            201    201_1_0   100     0 312960.2 451629.3
#>            Site plot_ID x_rel y_rel        Family               Genus
#> 1 Petit_Plateau     201   0.0  31.5   Burseraceae             Protium
#> 2 Petit_Plateau     201   0.1  75.2 Anacardiaceae            Tapirira
#> 3 Petit_Plateau     201   0.2  27.6 Lecythidaceae Indet.Lecythidaceae
#> 4 Petit_Plateau     201  -4.0  67.5 Euphorbiaceae          Conceveiba
#> 5 Petit_Plateau     201   0.3  39.9   Burseraceae             Protium
#> 6 Petit_Plateau     201  -3.5  41.5 Euphorbiaceae               Mabea
#>       Species    D subplot_ID
#> 1 surinamense 11.0    201_0_0
#> 2  guianensis 74.4    201_0_1
#> 3      Indet. 25.4    201_0_0
#> 4  guyanensis 10.0       <NA>
#> 5  altissimum 18.9    201_0_0
#> 6    speciosa 10.0       <NA>