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This function summarizes the matrix AGB_val given by the function AGBmonteCarlo() by plot.


summaryByPlot(AGB_val, plot, drawPlot = FALSE)



Matrix resulting from the AGBmonteCarlo() function (AGB_val element of the list), or just the output of the AGBmonteCarlo() function.


Vector corresponding to the plots code (plots ID)


A logic indicating whether the graphic should be displayed or not


a data frame where:

  • plot: the code of the plot

  • AGB: AGB value at the plot level

  • Cred_2.5: the 2.5\

  • Cred_97.5: the 97.5\


If some trees belong to an unknown plot (i.e. NA value in the plot arguments), their AGB values are randomly assigned to a plot at each iteration of the AGB monte Carlo approach.


# Load a database

# Modelling height-diameter relationship
HDmodel <- modelHD(D = NouraguesHD$D, H = NouraguesHD$H, method = "log2")

# Retrieving wood density values
# \donttest{
  NouraguesWD <- getWoodDensity(NouraguesTrees$Genus, NouraguesTrees$Species,
                                stand = NouraguesTrees$plotId)
#> The reference dataset contains 16467 wood density values
#> Your taxonomic table contains 409 taxa
# }

# Propagating errors
# \donttest{
  resultMC <- AGBmonteCarlo(
    D = NouraguesTrees$D, WD = NouraguesWD$meanWD,
    errWD = NouraguesWD$sdWD, HDmodel = HDmodel )
  # The summary by plot
  summaryByPlot(AGB_val = resultMC$AGB_simu, plot = NouraguesTrees$Plot)
#>   plot      AGB Cred_2.5 Cred_97.5
#> 1  201 458.0110 416.6221  513.6844
#> 2  204 511.0156 467.4786  560.3149
#> 3  213 373.5338 335.5389  418.2946
#> 4  223 290.9378 266.6484  322.4985
# }