Welcome page
Welcome to the new amap-dev
Here you’ll find resources on good programming practices, such as versioning or testing, but also on how to use a calculation cluster. This is a work in progress, more content will be added over the coming months.
If you have any questions or suggestions on the content do not hesitate to contact Thomas Arsouze (thomas.arsouze[at]cirad.fr) or Dominique Lamonica (dominique.lamonica[at]ird.fr) or Philippe Verley (philippe.verley[at]ird.fr). This is an open project, so feel free to contribute by opening a pull request here!
To AMAP researchers
If you need to discuss any issues regarding programming & development, data management, or computation: the POLIS (Pôle Informatique Scientifique) is at your service in PS1 room 44 every other Wednesday (even weeks) afternoon from 2 pm to 5 pm, starting on Wednesday the 5th of March. Drop us an email (preferably to amap-polis[at]cirad.fr) with your issue a few days before to book one of us, or just come by with your laptop.