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Before running StormR functions users have to provide a tropical storm track dataset either as a “.nc” (NetCDF) or a “.csv” (CSV) file in which the location and some characteristics of storms are given across their lifespan. Using a CSV file as a dataset implies following few specific formatting rules, please refer to the CSV Formatting section below. These files are then used to create a stormsDataset object using the defStormsDataset() function. By default, the arguments of defStormsDataset() function are set up to create a stormsDataset object using the USA fields in the NetCDF IBTrACS database International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (Knapp et al., (2010), (2018)). This database provides a fairly comprehensive record of worldwide tropical storms and cyclones with a 3-hours temporal resolution since 1. Other databases can be used as long as the following fields are provided:

Field name Description Format/Units Example Type
names Names of the storms Capital letters PAM Mandatory
seasons Years of observations Calendar year 2015 Mandatory
isoTime Date and time of observations YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss UTC 2015-03-13 12:00:00 Mandatory
lon Longitude of the observations Eastern decimal degrees 168.7 Mandatory
lat Latitude of the observations Northern decimal degrees -17.6 Mandatory
msw Maximum sustained wind speed m.s1m.s^{-1} 77 Mandatory
basin Name of the area where the storm originated. Traditionally divided into seven basins NA (North Atlantic)
EP (Eastern North Pacific)
WP (Western North Pacific)
NI (North Indian)
SI (South Indian)
SP (Southern Pacific)
SA (South Atlantic)
SP Recommended1^{1}
rmw Radius of maximum winds: distance between the centre of the storm and its band of strongest winds kmkm 20 Recommended2^{2}
pressure Central pressure PaPa 91100 Recommended3^{3}
poci Pressure of the last closed isobar PaPa 92200 Recommended3^{3}
sshs Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale rating based on msw (here in m.s1m.s^{-1}) 1=-1 = Tropical depression (msw <18< 18)
0=0 = Tropical storm (1818 \leqmsw <33< 33)
1=1 = Category 1 (3333 \leqmsw <42< 42)
2=2 = Category 2 (4242 \leqmsw <49< 49)
3=3 = Category 3 (4949 \leqmsw <58< 58)
4=4 = Category 4 (5858 \leqmsw <70< 70)
5=5 = Category 5 (msw 70\ge 70)
5 Optional4^{4}

1^{1} Providing the basin allows to filter storms in a particular basin using the basin argument of the defStormsDataset() function.
2^{2} Providing rmw allows better estimates of wind speed and direction in the temporatlBehaviour() and spatialBehaviour() functions. If not provided, rmw is approximated using an empirical formula derived from Willoughby et al. (2006) as follows, Rm=46.4e(0.0155×vm+0.0169×|ϕ|)R_m = 46.4e^{(-0.0155 \times v_m + 0.0169 \times |\phi|)}.
3^{3} If the pressure and poci fields are not provided, both Holland (1980) and Boose et al. (2004) wind field models cannot be used in the temporatlBehaviour() and spatialBehaviour() functions.
4^{4} The sshs field is optional, if not provided this field is automatically filled using the msw field.

Downloading a data source

If not available, a storm track data set has to be downloaded. In the following example we illustrate how a storm track data set can be downloaded on the IBTrACKS website. Different “.nc” (NetCDF) files containing storm track data sets can be downloaded here. Please, follow the IBTrACS citation recommendations when using these datasets (including citing Knapp et al. (2010, 2018), and providing the access date for the later). For example, track data for all the storms that occurred over the last three years over the different basins world wide can be download to the working directory as follows,

download.file(url = "", destfile = "./")

Creating a stormsDataset

Once a storm track data set is available a stormsDataset object can be created using the defStormsDataset() function as follows,

sds <- defStormsDataset(filename = "./", basin = NULL, verbose = 0)
## Warning in checkInputsdefStormsDataset(filename, sep, fields, basin, seasons, : No basin argument specified. StormR will work as expected
##              but cannot use basin filtering for speed-up when collecting data
## Formal class 'stormsDataset' [package "StormR"] with 5 slots
##   ..@ filename: chr "./"
##   ..@ fields  : Named chr [1:10] "name" "season" "iso_time" "usa_lon" ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:10] "names" "seasons" "isoTime" "lon" ...
##   ..@ basin   : chr "None"
##   ..@ seasons : Named int [1:2] 2021 2024
##   .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "min" "max"
##   ..@ database:List of 9
##   .. ..$ names    : chr [1:266(1d)] "IMOGEN" "ELOISE" "JOSHUA" "KIMI" ...
##   .. ..$ seasons  : int [1:266(1d)] 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 ...
##   .. ..$ isotimes : chr [1:360, 1:266] "2021-01-01 00:00:00" "2021-01-01 03:00:00" "2021-01-01 06:00:00" "2021-01-01 09:00:00" ...
##   .. ..$ longitude: num [1:360, 1:266] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##   .. ..$ latitude : num [1:360, 1:266] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##   .. ..$ msw      : num [1:360, 1:266] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##   .. ..$ rmw      : num [1:360, 1:266] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##   .. ..$ pressure : num [1:360, 1:266] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##   .. ..$ poci     : num [1:360, 1:266] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
length(unique(paste(sds@database$names, sds@database$seasons, " ")))
## [1] 257

This stormsDataset object contains track data for 275 storms. When using an IBTrACKS storm track data set, default arguments can be used. By default, data provided by USA agencies (starting with “usa_”) are used, but other data can be selected. For example, for the South Pacific basin (“SP”), we can choose to use data provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (starting with “bom_”) in the IBTrACKS data set as follows,

sds <- defStormsDataset(
  filename = "",
  fields = c(
    names = "name",
    seasons = "season",
    isoTime = "iso_time",
    basin = "basin",
    lon = "bom_lon",
    lat = "bom_lat",
    msw = "bom_wind",
    rmw = "bom_rmw",
    pressure = "bom_pres",
    poci = "bom_poci"
  basin = "SP",
  verbose = 0
## [1] 30

This stormsDataset object contains track data for 38 storms in the South Pacific basin.

Unit conversion

In the IBTrACS data sets speeds are given in knots (kntknt), distances in nautical miles (nmnm), and pressure in millibar (mbmb) but the models implemented in the temporalBehaviour() and spatialBehaviour() functions compute wind speed, wind direction, and summary statistics following the international system of units (SI) or SI-derived units. Therefore, by default, when using IBTrACS data sets, the defStormsDataset() function converts knots (kntknt) to meter per second (m.s1m.s^{-1}), nautical miles (nmnm) to kilometres (kmkm), and millibar (mbmb) to Pascal (papa).

When using another source of data than IBTrACS, the unitConversion argument of the defStormsDataset() function can be used to convert the data to the desired units. The following conversions are available,

For msw:
knt2ms: converts knot in meter per second (default setting)
kmh2ms: converts kilometre per hour in meter per second
mph2ms: converts miles per hour in meter per second
None: no conversion

For rmw:
nm2ms: converts nautical miles in kilometer (default setting)
None: no conversion

For both pressure and poci:
mb2pa: converts millibar in Pascal (default setting)
b2pa: converts bar in Pascal
atm2pa: converts atmosphere in Pascal
psi2pa: converts psi in Pascal
None: no conversion

Test data sets

A test_dataset is provided with the StormR package in two formats (a NetCDF and a CSV file). This test data set comprises the track data of nine storms that occurred near Vanuatu and New Caledonia between 2015-2016 and 2020-2021, respectively.

CSV Formatting

In order to load and read a CSV file in defStormsDataset(), it must stick to the following rules:
* As for the NetCDF file, the CSV file must contains at least a name, season, iso times, longitude, latitude,and a maximum wind speed column. * Every observation (row) in the CSV must be sorted in increasing order according to the ISO times AND joined by storm. For example, if several storms happened during the same iso Times, the observations for the storm that first appeared should be stacked before the observations of the second one and so on.

In addition to these mandatory rules above, the default separator is set to a single comma ‘,’. Nevertheless the user might decide to change it using the sep parameter in defStormsDataset().

Hereafter, an example where we access the data with test_dataset.csv. Notice that the header of the csv and the names of columns in fields input must be equals

# Header of the csv
head(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "test_dataset.csv", package = "StormR")))
##      name season              iso_time  usa_lon   usa_lat usa_wind usa_sshs
## 1 'LUCAS'   2021 '2021-01-29 00:00:00' 144.1000 -14.10000       20       -3
## 2 'LUCAS'   2021 '2021-01-29 03:00:00' 144.4675 -13.90499       20       -3
## 3 'LUCAS'   2021 '2021-01-29 06:00:00' 144.9000 -13.70000       20       -3
## 4 'LUCAS'   2021 '2021-01-29 09:00:00' 145.4351 -13.48506       22       -3
## 5 'LUCAS'   2021 '2021-01-29 12:00:00' 146.0000 -13.30000       25       -1
## 6 'LUCAS'   2021 '2021-01-29 15:00:00' 146.5149 -13.16990       25       -1
##   usa_rmw usa_pres usa_poci
## 1      35      999     1001
## 2      35      999     1001
## 3      35      999     1001
## 4      40     1000     1002
## 5      45     1002     1004
## 6      45     1000     1004
# Is already the default setting (in this particular case)
fields <- c(
  names = "name",
  seasons = "season",
  isoTime = "iso_time",
  lon = "usa_lon",
  lat = "usa_lat",
  msw = "usa_wind",
  sshs = "usa_sshs",
  rmw = "usa_rmw",
  pressure = "usa_pres",
  poci = "usa_poci"
SP_2015_2020_csv <- defStormsDataset(fields = fields, seasons = c(2015, 2020))
## === Loading data  ===
## Open database... /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/StormR/extdata/ opened
## Collecting data ...
## === DONE ===


Boose, E. R., Mayra I. Serrano, and David R. Foster. 2004. “Landscape and Regional Impacts of Hurricanes in Puerto Rico.” Ecological Monographs 74 (2): 335–52.
Holland, Greg J. 1980. “An Analytic Model of the Wind and Pressure Profiles in Hurricanes.” Monthly Weather Review 108 (8): 1212–18.<1212:AAMOTW>2.0.CO;2.
Knapp, Kenneth R., Howard J. Diamond, James P. Kossin, Michael C. Kruk, and Carl J. III Schreck. 2018. “International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) Project, Version 4.”
Knapp, Kenneth R., Michael C. Kruk, David H. Levinson, Howard J. Diamond, and Charles J. Neumann. 2010. “The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS): Unifying Tropical Cyclone Data.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 91 (3): 363–76.
Willoughby, H. E., R. W. R. Darling, and M. E. Rahn. 2006. “Parametric Representation of the Primary Hurricane Vortex. Part II: A New Family of Sectionally Continuous Profiles.” Monthly Weather Review 134 (4): 1102–20.