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Plotting wind behaviour time series and summary statistics at given point locations


plotTemporal(data, storm, var = "speed")



time series generated with temporalBehaviour with product=TS input


list of characters. Storm names. The storm must be available in data input. It can also be a vector of integer corresponding to the indices of storms stored in datainput.


character. Represent the type of variable to plot. Must be either speed or direction. Default value is set to speed.




# \donttest{
sds <- defStormsDataset()
#> Warning: No basin argument specified. StormR will work as expected
#>              but cannot use basin filtering for speed-up when collecting data
#> === Loading data  ===
#> Open database... /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/StormR/extdata/ opened
#> Collecting data ...
#> === DONE ===
st <- defStormsList(sds = sds, loi = "Vanuatu", names = "PAM", verbose = 0)

df <- data.frame(x = c(168.33, 167.17), y = c(-17.73, -15.53))
rownames(df) <- c("Port_Vila", "Luganville")

# Generate temporal series of wind on the points
TS <- temporalBehaviour(st, points = df, product = "TS", tempRes = 30, verbose = 0)

# Plot temporal series of wind speed
plotTemporal(data=TS, storm="PAM")

# Plot temporal series of wind direction
plotTemporal(data=TS, storm="PAM", var='direction')

# }