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Gather all the needed informations to model a single storm


A storm object.

  • name, character.

  • season, numeric.

  • scale, numeric.

  • obs, numeric.

  • obs.all, data.frame.



character. Name of the storm


numeric. Cyclonic season in which the storm has occured


numeric. Maximum scale category reached


numeric vector. Indices of observations within the location of interest extented with its corresponding buffer (See stormsList class)


data.frame. Contains all of the observations available. An observation is made up of several fields which are:

  • iso.time, Date and hours of observations (UTC)

  • lon, Longitude coordinate (Eastern degree)

  • lat, Latitude coordinate (Northern degree)

  • msw, Maximum Sustained Wind (m/s)

  • scale, Level in the chosen scale

The following field is not mandatory but highly recommended

  • rmw, Radius of Maximum Wind (km)

Also, the following fields are only mandatory to perform Holland and Boose models (See Details)

  • pres, Pressure at the center (pa)

  • poci, Pressure of the Outermost Closed Isobar (pa)