Implementation in R of a pipeline that performs the Time-SIFT process to time series of drone images using the Metashape python API. All photos are loaded and aligned, then orthomosaics and (optionally) DEMs will be generated for each date or flight.
out_dir_DEM = NULL,
out_dir_project = NULL,
data_type = "RGB",
resol_ref = 0.05,
crs = "EPSG::32622",
site_name = "",
calibrate_col = TRUE,
sun_sensor = FALSE,
group_by_flight = FALSE,
downscale_factor_alignement = 1L,
downscale_factor_depth_map = 2L,
suffix = "_"
- path_in
chr. Path to the folder where the data is located. Inside this folder, any structure of subfolders containing images is accepted, as long as the date is specified in the folders' name in YYYYMMDD/YYYYMM format. This date is what will be used later to distinct which image belongs to which date when building orthomosaics.
- out_dir_ortho
chr. Folder where the orthomosaics are saved.
- out_dir_DEM
chr. Folder where the DEMs are saved. If no path is specified, the DEMs are not saved by default.
- out_dir_project
chr. Folder where the Metashape project is saved. If no path is specified, the project is not saved by default.
- data_type
chr. The type of the data used. Either 'RGB' (default) or 'MS' (for multispectral images).
- resol_ref
num. The resolution (in meters) used to generate DEMs and orthomosaics. Defaults to 0.05.
- crs
chr. Coordinate system used for the orthomosaic, in a string format. Example: crs="EPSG::32622" (default value).
- site_name
chr. Adds the data site name into the names of all created folders and files, to better separate generated data from different projects. If not specified, the names will stay generic.
- calibrate_col
logical. Applies white balance.
- sun_sensor
logical. Calibrates the reflectance using the sun sensor. Only applies to multispectral images.
- group_by_flight
logical. Regroups data by flight (i.e. one orthomosaic for each subfolder of the input folder containing images). If FALSE, regroups it by date (default).
- downscale_factor_alignement
int. Alignment accuracy (0 - Highest, 1 - High, 2 - Medium, 4 - Low, 8 - Lowest). Defaults to 1.
- downscale_factor_depth_map
int. Depth map quality (1 - Ultra high, 2 - High, 4 - Medium, 8 - Low, 16 - Lowest). Defaults to 2.
- suffix
chr. Text to add at the end of the output filenames.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
generate_Mosa(path_in = "path_to_my_drone_data",
out_dir_ortho = "my_output_folder/ORTHO",
#out_dir_DEM = "my_output_folder/DEM",
data_type = "RGB",
resol_ref = 0.5,
site_name = "Bouamir",
crs = "EPSG::32633"
generate_Mosa(path_in = "path_to_my_drone_data",
out_dir_ortho = "my_output_folder/ORTHO",
#out_dir_DEM = "my_output_folder/DEM",
data_type = "MS",
sun_sensor = TRUE,
crs = "EPSG::32622",
downscale_factor_depth_map = 4,
group_by_flight = TRUE,
suffix = "_ORTHO"
} # }